electricity and gas netherlands

3 maart 2023

Energy (contracts) in the Netherlands: Everything you should know

Moving to the Netherlands as an expat? One of the things you need to arrange is an energy contract. In this article, we’ll tell you all you need to know.

Energy suppliers and grid operators

The Dutch energy market has been liberalized. That means that, as a resident, you can choose your own energy supplier. And there is plenty of choice. 

Virtually every supplier offers both electricity and gas in the Netherlands. You can purchase both from same party or only one of the two. If your home is connected to district heating, you have less freedom of choice and depend on the provider in your neighborhood.

Energy suppliers are distinguished mainly by cost, service and conditions of service. Electricity and gas are supplied by the energy grid to ensure the same quality everywhere.

Energy is transported to the home by grid operators. You cannot choose this company in the Netherlands as it is dependent on the region you live in. 

Getting an energy contract

An energy contract is person-bound rather than address-bound. If you move into a house in the Netherlands, you will therefore have to get an energy contract in your own name. An exception to this rule is when you’re renting and the landlord takes care of the energy costs.

Getting electricity and gas is very easy, fortunately. You can pick an energy supplier yourself, such as Vandebron, or from one of the many comparison websites. You can simply fill out a registration form, sign a contract and let your energy supplier take care of the rest.

Types of energy contracts

For a long time, a fixed energy contract was standard in the Netherlands. After signing, you knew exactly what your electricity and gas prices were for the number of years the contract lasted. In recent years, variable contracts have taken the spotlight in the current energy market and dynamic contracts have also been introduced. In short: there are many different contracts to choose from!

  • Fixed energy contract = You pay a fixed price per consumed kWh of electricity and m³ of gas. Rates are fixed for a pre-agreed period. For example, one, two or three years.

  • Variable energy contract = Prices change per period. This period can vary from one month, three months or six months, depending on the agreement made with the energy supplier.

  • Dynamic energy contract = The price of electricity and gas fluctuates constantly. At times of the day when electricity is cheap, you pay less. When energy is more expensive, you pay more. 

Paying your energy bill

At the end of each year, your energy supplier will present you with your energy bill. The billing period is not necessarily in line with the calendar year as you will receive the annual bill after your energy provider supplied energy to your address for a full year.

Each month you pay an advance based on your expected total yearly consumption. We call this the ‘termijnbedrag’ in Dutch. At the end of the year, the balance is drawn up. You get money back, or you have to pay extra based on what your real usage was for the year.

In addition to your consumption, you also pay taxes and grid management costs. This is all included in the total price. Your energy bill will specify the various costs.

Green energy in the Netherlands

Do you find it important that the electricity you use in your home is generated from green sources? Then choose a sustainable energy supplier, such as Vandebron. The energy we sell is 100% green and locally generated. We contribute to the energy transition with our very own green energy sources and encourage our customers to use energy sustainably.

Solar panels and the ‘salderingsregeling’

If you have installed solar panels on your roof, you can take advantage of the ‘salderingsregeling’. This is a national arrangement in which every energy supplier participates.

Here's how it works: solar energy that you don't use at home directly, will be fed back to the grid and may later be offset against your consumed energy. For example, if you have used 3000 kWh of electricity in a year and have delivered 2000 kWh back to the grid, you will only have to pay for 1000 kWh that year.

Will you feed back more than your total consumed kWh? Then you get a compensation (‘teruglevergoeding’) for the remaining offset after saldering- a feed-in fee. At most suppliers this is a fraction of the electricity price, so it's smart not to generate more than you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I switch energy suppliers?

Are you not satisfied with your energy supplier? You can always switch. With a variable contract, you can do so on a monthly basis - free of charge. With fixed contracts, you often have to pay a termination fee if you switch before your contract is over.

I am moving within the Netherlands. Can I take my energy contract with me?

Yes, you can. As stated earlier in this article, energy contracts are person-bound rather than address-bound. So when you move, you can simply take your energy contract with you to your new address. You just have to inform your energy supplier.

How often do power outages occur?

Power outages in the Netherlands are very rare and hardly ever happen. If they do happen, it is usually regional and taken care of quickly.

What electricity connection are Dutchhomes equipped with?

In the Netherlands, we use 220/230 volt alternating current. All locally bought appliances are tuned to this. The image below shows what our outlets look like. Do you have a different outlet in your home country? Plug an inverter into the electricity socket to use your appliances here. 

electricity socket netherlands

About Vandebron

Vandebron aims to achieve 100% sustainable energy in The Netherlands as quickly as possible. To attain this goal, we’re only selling real green energy that is generated on Dutch soil. Do you also believe in the importance of green energy in your home and would you like to help build a sustainable future together? Then join Vandebron!


Geschreven door Stefan van de Wetering

Stefan is freelance tekstschrijver. Hij woont in een gasloos huis, heeft twaalf zonnepanelen en spaart voor een elektrische auto.

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